Activity 2 - What was life like on the Gold Fields?

For activity 2 we will be looking at what life was like on the Gold Fields.

Using the information you gathered from the video in activity one and using the images below, create a mind map in Microsoft Word to describe what you think life would have been like on the Gold Fields and list some of the reasons you think it might have been difficult. Paste a copy of your mindmap in the comment section at the bottom of this page. If you are having issues creating your mind map online or would simply prefer to draw it, you can take a photo of your handwritten work and upload it below. 

Here is an example:

  Some ideas to help get you started might be:

- Do you think the living conditions would have been comfortable? Why/Why not?

- Do you think there would have been lots of food? Why/Why not?

- Do you think mining for gold would be hard work? Why/Why not?

- Was it free to get a mining licence or did you need some money? 

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